желтощекая розелла
Пароды птушак

желтощекая розелла

Yellow-cheeked rosella (Platycercus icterotis)




A medium-sized parakeet with a body length of up to 26 cm and a weight of up to 80 g. The coloration is quite bright, the main color is blood red, the cheeks are yellow, the wings are black with yellow and green edging. The shoulders, flight feathers and tail are blue. The female has some differences in color – she is paler, the main body color is red-brown, her cheeks are gray-yellow. 


The species lives in the south, east and west of Australia, as well as on the adjacent islands. They prefer eucalyptus forests, thickets along the banks of rivers. It tends to agrolandscapes – agricultural land, parks, gardens, sometimes cities. Usually kept in pairs or small groups. The view is quite quiet and not shy. When a large amount of food is available, they can gather in numerous flocks. They feed on grass seeds, herbs, berries, fruits, buds, flowers and necks. Sometimes included in the diet of insects and their larvae. 


The nesting season is August-December. Birds prefer nesting in tree trunks, they can breed chicks in rock crevices and other suitable places. The clutch usually contains 5-8 eggs; only the female incubates them for about 19 days. The male protects her from competitors all this time and feeds her. The chicks leave the nest at about 5 weeks old. And for a couple of weeks they stay near their parents, and they feed them.

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