Беласнежныя крэветкі
Акварыўмныя віды бесхрыбтовых

Беласнежныя крэветкі

Snow white shrimp (Caridina cf. cantonensis “Snow White”), belongs to the Atyidae family. A beautiful and unusual variety of shrimp, the Red Bee, is distinguished by the white color of the integument, sometimes pink or blue shades are noticeable. There are three types according to the degree of whiteness of the body color. Low type – many colorless areas; medium – the color is mostly monochromatic white, but with noticeable areas without color; high – a perfectly white shrimp, without interspersing other shades and colors.

Беласнежныя крэветкі

Snow white shrimp, scientific name Caridina cf. cantonensis ‘Snow White’

Caridina cf. cantonensis «Snow White»

Shrimp Caridina cf. cantonensis “Snow White”, belongs to the family Atyidae

Абслугоўванне і догляд

It looks spectacular in the general aquarium due to its contrasting white color. It is worth considering carefully the selection of neighbors, such a miniature shrimp (an adult reaches 3.5 cm) can become an object of hunting for any large, predatory or aggressive fish. It is easy to keep well in a wide range of pH and dGH values, but successful breeding is possible in soft, slightly acidic water. The design should provide for areas with dense vegetation to protect offspring and places for shelters (snags, grottoes, caves).

They accept almost all types of food used for feeding aquarium fish (pellets, flakes, frozen meat products). They are a kind of orderlies of the aquarium, when kept together with fish, they do not require separate nutrition. They eat food leftovers, various organic matter (fallen leaves of plants and their fragments), algae, etc. With a lack of plant foods, they can switch to plants, so it is advisable to add chopped pieces of home-made vegetables and fruits.

Аптымальныя ўмовы ўтрымання

Агульная цвёрдасць – 1–10°dGH

Значэнне pH — 6.0–7.5

Тэмпература — 25–30°С

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