Герта Хаунд (поінтэр)
Пароды сабак

Герта Хаунд (поінтэр)

Characteristics of Hertha Hound

Краіна паходжанняДанія
Рост58 66 см
вага21-27 кг
ўзрост10–14 гадоў
Пародная група FCIне прызнаны
Hertha Hound Characteristics

Кароткая інфармацыя

  • Актыўны;
  • Валодаць выдатнымі працоўнымі якасцямі;
  • Лёгка паддаецца дрэсіроўцы.

Гісторыя паходжання

The history of the appearance in Denmark of a fairly popular breed of “gun dogs” is quite remarkable, because the progenitor of the Hert Pointers was a mongrel bitch named Herta. She was once found and picked up by soldiers. And the dog, which can be safely called the “founding father” of the breed, was the owner’s pointer named Sport, owned by Duke Frederick Christian. Amateur selection eventually moved to a professional level. The number of dogs of this breed, known since 1864, is only increasing from year to year, and lovers of Gert Pointers are seeking official recognition of the breed by cynological federations, but so far they have not succeeded in this.


Typical representatives of the breed are athletic dogs that are highly valued by Danish hunters for their working qualities, excellent learning abilities and easy disposition. Outwardly, the dogs are very similar to English Pointers, however, Herta Pointers are more graceful, with soft lines and strong muscles. The head is in proportion to the body, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced. The eyes are large and dark. Ears are hanging. The tail is straight, tapering towards the end. Their coat is short, thick, red-orange in color, white marks are allowed on the head, chest, tail and paws.

Hertha Pointer – Характар

Representatives of the breed are quite affectionate with people and obedient, well trained. They are cheerful, love to work and get along well with children. They are quite tolerant of other pets.


Канкрэтны клапаціцца is not needed, regular visual inspection and good nutrition are sufficient. If necessary, it is necessary to process the вушкі і кіпцюры . At the same time, the short coat of these dogs does not require special care, only periodic расчэсваць with a stiff brush. Frequent bathing is also not required.

Hertha Hound – Video

Герта пойнтер (Hertha Pointer)

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